Friday, May 13, 2011

You can't buy my support... how much were you offering?

Sorry, Tribe, every election that rolls around will continue to bring the same dismal results tribal councils. Cue the screams of disbelief all around when its time for nominations. (List of names) who are running for the tribal council? Perhaps, they hope that the tribal members have a slight case of amnesia of all the “self -righteous” things they have done in the name of the Tribe. You must learn to forgive and forget because people are capable of change. Snorts incredulously, um I prefer to remember and be cautious. I am still suspicious of chief appointed councils… It has been rumored that the $400,000 cash withdrawal was to pay for supporters. If, I had know about the supporter money I would have collected the money and dutifully shown up at the tribal center to show my false support. I would have even waved around a sign that said, BAD INDIANS and put on my best-constipated face. Little did they know my fictional sign was not reffering to the elected tribal council but the chief appointed council. Ha!

*The Walker council was giving all the tribal members $5,000 checks for any inconvenience or grief caused by the takeover. I knew about that money so I collected, but I would have really like some of that $400,000. Pictures a sign. Pink, glitterfied, BAD INDIANS

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