Saturday, April 25, 2009

Does the tribe no longer have a RAP?

290.7 Must an indian tribe have a tribal revenue allocation plan if it is not making per capita payments?
No, if you do not make per capita payments, you do not need to submit a tribal revenue allocation plan.

Is the tribal council going to cut the people off completely? I believe they were going to until Calvin Johnson filed a lawsuit against the tribe about the percap last year. Don't bother getting your hopes up the lawsuit was dismissed.


  1. Actually justarabbit, i think it goes a lil' deeper than we currently think. I personally think there is something to hide. Look, they act in a way unwarranted way in ignoring the per cap referendum. That move was UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and had the look of desperation written all over it. Am i the only one whose sense of suspicion aroused? I look at the cavalier way they do all this and i am even more suspicious. They just overstepped the bounds of both their authority and reason by going SO FAR in those actions. Hopefully a new council can be elected who will work hard to uncover and repair the damage done by all those involved in this current fiasco...get rid of both the lawyer and the executive director. That would be a start.

  2. This goes to show you how ignorant you both are. The RAP that is currently on file with the tribe and the BIA is the one we are currently living under. When the per cap was raised to $2000 awhile back, that is when the RAP was violated because they did not compose and file a new RAP in order to raise the per cap. The council cutting back the per cap puts the tribe back into compliance with the only RAP on file.

    All you are really concerned about is the money no longer handed to you. You forget about the things you are all still getting if you are an enrolled tribal member - a free house, free education for yourselves and your children, free medical care, free water, free garbage pick-up, ect..... You people don't live in the real world or you would appreciate how much easier your lives are than for other people in our community and in our country. You refuse to hear that the per cap payments were cut so that we could continue to have these other things for free. You refuse to hear that your per cap payments were cut so that the tribal council could persue other avenues to keep the tribe viable for years to come. You say the council doesn't care about it's people or their future and the only reason you say this is because you no longer get your $2000 per month to squander. You are selfish and uninformed.

  3. Anonymous6.2.10

    you sound exactly like some 8th seat member
