Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This Constitution and By-Laws, when ratified by a majority of the adult members of the Sac & Fox Tribe in Iowa, voting at special called for the purpose by the Secretary of the Interior, provided at least thirty percent of those entitled to vote shall vote in such election, shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Interior, and if approved , shall be effective from the date of approval.

1 comment:

  1. The Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa (Meskwaki) has been governed by a Constitution since its inception in 1937. This tribe has NEVER legally revise, amended nor changed this document! Stephen F. Olson, Minnesota atty, has been advising an illegal "armed-takeover" tribal council to follow rules from a PL 280 state. Iowa IS NOT a PL 280 state. This illegal tribal council has been using a 10-day comment period to "make laws". Five members of a tribal council MUST ask the Secretary of Interior for any amendment to the tribal constitution. It takes a vote of the people, NOT a 10-day comment period, to make law. See Tribal Constitution, Pg. 13, "Amendments".
    Ed Longknife
