Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It is my intent to make the Meskwaki Tattle as venomous and slanted as the Meskwaki Nation newsletter. Enjoy!


  1. If you forget to read the tribal newsletters you're uninformed, but if you read them you're misinformed.

  2. I agree with Troy.
    Helping people by giving information can never be venomous. How people interpret and use the information unfortunately could be venomous.

    Case in point. How long was Meskwaki Tattle online before it was taking off all search engines. A pure example of the persuasive power of money.

  3. Meskwaki Tattle is searchable on google for the time being.

  4. Interesting.
    This wasn't so when I was made aware. I suppose this would shine more light on this information if it was kept hidden and rise more questions if remained hidden

  5. Hey whatever you do with this Blog..keep it up. Makes it more interesting to see what fellow tribal members are saying and feeling. Hope many more will find a way to get informed and possibly add their voices to whatever the situation may call for... thanks..

  6. And why venomous? What do you have to gain from it - sorry was kinda brought up the old way.
