Monday, May 11, 2009

May 11, 2009 Dear Meskwaki Tribal Members, (for my amusement)

We are writing to inform you that we have been appointed by Chief Jessrabbit of the Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa to serve as the Tribal Council. Chief Jessrabbit took this action after hearing the concerns of tribal members who believe that the elected Tribal Council has failed to meet its responsibilities under the Tribal Constitution.
As you know, the elected Tribal Council was presented with petitions requesting a recall election. Although the petitions were signed by more than the number of people required by the Tribal Constitution, the elcted tribal council has decided no to abide by the Constitution and has refused to schedule the recall elections. This refusal defies the will of the people and in the petitions that were submitted. Since then, even administrative verification, the petitions were declared null and void without merit by the former council.
We have no just Tribal court that can require the Tribal council to hold an election.
The Minneapolis Bureau of Indian Affairs has said that the Tribe should work out this problem internally. So the Tribe is faced with the question of what to do when elected tribal officials fail to meet their responsibilities, and defy the will of the people and the Tribal Constitution.
We believe that the only way to resolve this problem is to look at the Tribe's traditional ways. After much prayer and deliberation, our Jessrabbit Chieft concluded that, if the elected Tribal council was going to act lawlessly, refuse to do its duties, and refuse to subject itself to a vote of the people, then shed had to step forward in order to restore a responsible tribal government and bring peace to the Tribe.
The Chief Jessrabbit has chosen us to assume these responsibilities.
To further her decision she has appointed members of the Tribe to take over the duties of the Tribal council and work toward amending and updating the Tribal Constitution. From this, we will make it out goal to achieve what has prescribed.
The Tribe has established a tradition of democracy since it adopted its Constitution in 1937. It is unfortunate when elected officials choose to disrespect our Constitution. Had they followed their sworn oaths to office, none of this would have been necessary. But the council broke the law, and now our Jessrabbit leader has asked us to restore the tribal government. Therefore, we ask for your recognition and support. We also ask that you set aside your personal feelings about the Chief's selections. By working together, we can all make sure from on that the tribal governments serves the people, so that your voices are heard and acknowledged. Through your support we will also conduct an audit of how our tribal moneny is being spent. Together, we must all ensure that Tribal councils now and in the future are held accountable for their actions.

* chiefs rarely hold leadership positions in their own tribes.
Chief Jessrabbit appointed tribal council:
Jessica Rabbit- Me
Jessica Rabbit 2- clone
First Name Last Name- (comes from a big family- VOTES)
First Name Last Name- (sucker)
First Name Last Name- (VOTES)
First Name Last Name- (VOTES)
First Name Last Name- (sucker)

1 comment:

  1. COOOOOOL!!!, wow, i had too look twice, i thot you was for real..but alas izz not to be. just the rabbit giving us buzzkill. Maybe in time, we can all look back and see what fun it's been making our commentary. I really appreciate the rabbit giving us a forum to say things about tribal issues. maybe we all may not see eye to eye. but in the end we all the same koko (blood). keep up the good work.
