Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Notice my disdain for the past tribal councils?

We are desperately in need of a tribal council that is for the people.


  1. and who do you suggest? the tribe needs a council that is focued on the people BUT also has a business mind approach as well. only when the people are listened to and sound business decisions are made (and not just to increase per cap) that are in the best interest of the tribe--socially, financially, ethically, morally, etc will the tribe be able to move forward in the 21st century.

    in my opinion, this should not be those that have attempted to run before. the tribe needs fresh faces and ideas, not personal objectives or vendettas to overshadow their decision making abilities. nor do we need council members to attempt to use their influence to help family members or friends. nepotism has no place in the council or in tribal ops.

  2. Good point NDND. I would also like to see a council that is open to members ideas about issues. Get rid of the lawyer in this field. They are for lEGAL issues, NOT business pursuits and related concerns. Seems in the past, most councils would look sideways to make sure they're decisions would be "accepted" by those in their circles of trust, i.e.,nepotism.I believe there is a lot of talent in our tribe. We need to uncover this resource and make it work for good.I bet there are those who could put together and run a small business. Things like that. Bottom line....GET OUT of the old mindset that indians cannot do anything. This old and harmful mantra has held down this tribe for too long. Always looking..and paying exorbitant amounts of our cash to outsiders! to do what i think we can now do ourselves. I believe that is one of the major factors that put us in this situation today. The INABILITY of the leadership to discern what gifts members may offer. The old "we know what is best" syndrome coupled with "let's depend on the white man to help us"; completes this whole cycle of progress stagnation. I also think we need leadership that will work to uncover AND ENCOURAGE the talent we have in OUR TRIBE. Stop being so negative towards our own people. it'll be a good thing..and move us towards a better time.
